Angelic Housing Resources Foundation, Inc. (AHRF) is a nonprofit organization located in Sacramento, California. AHRF provides housing, essential services for basic needs, and financial literacy education for a truly diverse and underserved community. Those we serve are often facing economic challenges, homelessness, or suffer some form of disability. We provide them with safe and affordable housing, while also making sure that their basic needs are met.
Angelic Housing is on a mission to end homelessness, one life at a time.
Organization History
Our founder, Angela Jones, has been a licensed realtor since 2007 and has many years of property management experience. She has a deep passion for ensuring that equal, fair and affordable housing is available for all. Witnessing the increased levels of homelessness in her community of Sacramento inspired her to start Angelic Housing Resources Foundation (AHRF) in 2020 with the opening of her first two transitional living homes. The COVID-19 pandemic was especially difficult for the homeless population and many of them arrived to AHRF with only the clothes on their backs. The need is greater than what AHRF is currently able to offer, so expansion efforts are in process to acquire additional transitional houses and offer more assistance to those in the community.
Demographics served
AHRF serves people from all races and sexual orientations. Those served are predominantly homeless, disabled, veterans, elderly, and individuals experiencing economic hardships.
Geographic area served
Sacramento County
Currently, our homes are primarily in Sacramento County. We have people who have moved here from all areas of California in an effort to find affordable housing. We would like to open more homes in Northern California, specifically in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, and Solano Counties.
We collaborate our efforts with the following organizations: Sac Self Help Housing, 211, Hope Coop, Steps, El Hogar, Turning Point, Heritage Oaks Mental Hospital, Sierra Vista Mental Hospital, Telecare, Alta Regional Center, Sutter Center for Psychiatry, CEPS, Kaiser, and Loaves and Fishes.
Problem Statement
Housing is problematic in all of California, and Sacramento is no exception. There are increasing numbers of homeless people in California due to constantly increasing housing prices paired with a slow development of new affordable housing options. Emergency homeless shelters are overrun and unable to meet the demands of the realities faced by many in our community. Temporary shelters often require those who stay there to take their possessions with them every morning, which makes finding employment even more of a challenge when those who stay there have no place to store their belongings, forcing many of them to give up their belongings in the vain attempt to find employment. This makes it challenging when trying to present one’s best self to a new employer if forced to wear the same clothing every day without proper hygiene and personal care product access is limited.
Not everyone who finds themselves in a homeless shelter is uneducated as many like to assume. Those who experience homelessness range from veterans, single parents, the elderly, and PhDs. Mental health issues often create a downward spiral which eventually becomes a trap that is incredibly difficult to escape (25% report having a serious mental illness). Pair this with any form of disability, ageism, and lack of childcare, and the situation becomes impossible for some. That is without the current reality in the real estate market adding one more weight on their shoulders to bear. As it currently stands, affordable housing in Sacramento is on target to continue increased homelessness just as it is across the entire state of California due to the ever-increasing rents.
In 2020, the homeless population increased to 11,222 people from the previous year’s 5,111. The homeless response system in Sacramento includes 10 organizations that perform street outreach, 1,205 emergency shelter beds, 517 transitional shelter beds, 770 rapid rehousing beds, and 3,342 permanent supportive housing beds. This left 5,388 people without a bed despite the community efforts available. Sacramento County’s most recent count (in 2019) documented 5,500 people homeless, which was a 19% increase from the two years prior. As we can see, this trend didn’t happen simply because of COVID-19. It was a problem before the pandemic, and it has only been exacerbated (more than doubled in one year alone) as a result of the pandemic. Despite the monumental efforts of local nonprofits and the generous funding of foundations across the nation, the need is sorely unmet. A recent news article from Sacramento’s ABC10 describes the harsh reality facing the homeless issue in California.
“When it comes to the homeless issue as a whole, it’s not just a Sacramento issue but a statewide problem. An audit released this year says the state’s approach has been uncoordinated. No single state entity in California oversees efforts to address homelessness or is responsible for developing a statewide strategic plan. Instead, at least nine state agencies administer and oversee 41 different programs that provide funding related to homelessness.
ABC10 reached out to the governor’s office about the audit and the deputy secretary of communications with the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency replied back. That agency oversees the Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council. The agency says the state could be doing more to coordinate the response to homelessness in California, but it can’t take actions because it does not have the authority or resources to do so. Legislation would be required.”
In 2016, 50% of homeless single individuals in Sacramento were over 50 years old. That is a 354% increase since 1990. The 2019 Sacramento Point-in-Time Count identified that 65% of older adults said that identifying affordable housing was a primary need. The Pandemic delayed the survey in 2021, so updated results aren’t currently available. However, due to the doubling of homeless persons in 2020, it is clear that the issue has not improved.
Although AHRF isn’t capable of tackling the remaining homeless population as a whole, we are doing all we can to help fill the gap and expanding our services as quickly as we possibly can. To date, we have housed more than 100 individuals. Our goal is to house 200 by the end of 2023. Some come to us on their own and others are referred to us by government agencies, local agencies, and hospitals. We do advertise our services to the various local and state programs who are seeking housing for their clients. We also advertise to the general public that we offer safe and affordable housing.
We conduct intake surveys with our clients, which include background checks. We draft lease agreements, provide property tours for prospective clients, and maintain the properties on a regular basis. Additional services include clothing, food, financial literacy education and resources, and assistance with social issues. We are looking to expand our current offerings as our programs grow.
Safe and Affordable Housing Program
This program offers safe and affordable housing to the homeless, disabled, veterans, elderly, and those who are living on low incomes. This also includes Social Security recipients. All rooms are shared with two beds per room. Similar to a hostel setting, there is a shared kitchen, laundry, common areas, and security available throughout the property. The facilities offer central air, heating, cable, internet, and all rooms are fully furnished. There is a house manager available on-site at all times. The monthly housing fee is $600 per twin size bed and $650 per full-size bed. This program also includes financial literacy education to help the residents learn how to budget their money. For those we are unable to accommodate, we provide contact information and pamphlets for other programs in the community. We have an extensive list of agencies throughout the community that can assist our residents and those who we are unable to accommodate with housing, food, clothing, financial assistance, and more. Many people do not know how to find the resources they need when they are experiencing financial hardship. Some become disheartened after being turned down from too many agencies. This is unfortunately common, and we try to do all we can to help them find the resources they need.